Cenník aplikácie Chaterimo pre Shopify
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For this to function properly, you must have an OpenAI / Anthropic API account, filled in your payment details there, and secure a unique API secret key.

For individuals/teams that need to create chatbots with confidence.
/ Month
What’s included:
- Unlimited prompts/day
- Maximum of 5 million characters saved as data
- Your own Openai API Key / Anthropic API Key needed. Detailed guide to generate OpenAI or Anthropic API keys here + here
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Third-party application integration options
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account

For individuals/teams that need to manage work across initiatives.
/ Month
What’s included:
- Unlimited prompts/day
- Maximum of 10 million characters saved as data
- Your own Openai API Key / Anthropic API Key needed. Detailed guide to generate OpenAI or Anthropic API keys here + here
- Create multiple ChatWidgets in various languages
- Third-party application integration options
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account

For individuals/teams needing robust chatbot management.
/ Month
What’s included:
- Unlimited prompts/day
- Maximum of 20 million characters saved as data
- Your own Openai API Key / Anthropic API Key needed. Detailed guide to generate OpenAI or Anthropic API keys here + here
- Create multiple ChatWidgets in various languages
- Third-party application integration options
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account

For individuals/teams who need to go full throttle.
/ Month
What’s included:
- Unlimited prompts/day
- Maximum of 50 million characters saved as data
- Your own Openai API Key / Anthropic API Key needed. Detailed guide to generate OpenAI or Anthropic API keys here + here
- Create multiple ChatWidgets in various languages
- Third-party application integration options
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account
This option is designed to speed up and simplify the process. You don't need any account or API keys. We'll take care of everything for you!

For individuals/teams that need to create chatbots with confidence.
/ Month
What’s included:
- 1 000 messages / month
- Maximum of 5 million characters saved as data
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Third-party application integration options
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account

For individuals/teams that need to manage work across initiatives.
/ Month
What’s included:
- 2 000 messages / month
- Maximum of 10 million characters saved as data
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Create multiple ChatWidgets in various languages
- Third-party application integration options
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account

For larger teams needing robust chatbot management.
/ Month
What’s included:
- 4 000 messages / month
- Maximum of 20 million characters saved as data
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Create multiple ChatWidgets in various languages
- Third-party application integration options
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account

For individuals/teams who need to go full throttle.
/ Month
What’s included:
- 10 000 messages / month
- Maximum of 50 million characters saved as data
- Latest Chatgpt, Claude, or Gemini LLM models
- Create multiple ChatWidgets in various languages
- Third-party application integration options
- Chat Report: Users can flag incorrect answers with their email, so you can reach out to them if necessary.
- Automatic Scraping every 24 hours, our system revisits your chosen URLs or XML feeds, ensuring you always have the most current information and dynamically training these new information
- GPT-4 is currently accessible to those who have made at least one successful payment in OpenAI API Account
Často kladené otázky
Máte slobodu vybrať si preferovanú cenovú možnosť. Ak si vyberiete možnosť, ktorá zahŕňa používanie vlastných API kľúčov, budete musieť tieto kľúče vytvoriť a integrovať ich do Chaterima, aby sa zabezpečila jeho správna funkčnosť.
Naša služba Chaterimo sa integruje priamo s pokročilým jazykovým modelom Anthropic alebo OpenAI, aby poskytovala vysokokvalitné chatbotové služby. Váš AI API kľúč nám umožňuje nadviazať toto priame spojenie so servermi Anthropic alebo OpenAI.
Dôvod, prečo vyžadujeme váš API kľúč v našich platených programoch, je trojitý:
- Fair Usage Billing: With your own Anthropic or OpenAI API key, you are billed directly by Anthropic or OpenAI for the exact number of prompts your chatbot uses. This ensures you only pay for your actual usage.
- Vyhýbanie sa limitom rýchlosti: Každý používateľ má svoj jedinečný API kľúč, čo znamená, že služba chatbota nie je obmedzená zdieľaným limitom rýchlosti. To zabezpečuje neprerušovanú službu, pretože používanie závisí od vášho individuálneho API kľúča a nie je ovplyvnené aktivitami iných používateľov.
Upozorňujeme, že za používanie platformy Chaterimo sa platí samostatný mesačný poplatok. Tento poplatok je za funkcie, nástroje a služby, ktoré poskytujeme nad rámec základných schopností jazykového modelu Anthropic/OpenAI.
Prioritizujeme bezpečnosť a súkromie vašich údajov. Váš API kľúč je bezpečne uložený, po uložení hashovaný a je striktne používaný na komunikáciu s AI servermi pre účely uvedené vyššie. Nepoužíva sa na žiadne iné účely, ani nie je zdieľaný so žiadnymi tretími stranami.Začať s Chaterimo je jednoduché! Tu je návod, ako môžete pridať obsah do svojej vedomostnej bázy:
- Jednoduchý text: Stačí skopírovať a vložiť požadovaný text priamo.
- Webový obsah: Môžete jednoducho získať obsah z webovej stránky. Či už ide len o jednu webovú stránku alebo viacero stránok so všetkým ich prepojeným obsahom, máme pre vás riešenie.
- Nahrávanie súborov: Máte dokument? Žiadne obavy! Môžete nahrať súbory CSV, Excel, Word dokumenty, PDF alebo textové súbory. Len sa uistite, že majú menej ako 10 MB.
- Pre obchodníkov: Ak používate Google Shopping, môžete priamo nahrať svoj XML produktový feed.

Máte záujem o DEMO pre vašu webovú stránku alebo e-shop? Nechajte nás postaviť ho pre vás, ZADARMO!
Ďakujeme! Čoskoro vás budeme kontaktovať. Prajeme vám fantastický deň!
Prepáčte, nemohli sme uložiť váš e-mail. Je možné, že tento e-mail už existuje. Skúste iný e-mail alebo to skúste neskôr.
Neplatná výzva.